Loving Leaders

November 2024

It’s time to lead your relationship back to love.

Learn how to master conflict resolution, feel deeper peace, connection & authenticity in your relationship(s), and transform your relationship with yourself.

Enrollment for Loving Leaders opens soon.

Does this sound like you?: 

  • You aren’t sure how to actually resolve conflict so you sweep it under the rug or have the same arguments over and over

  • You wish you knew how to effectively express your feelings and needs so you can feel seen and heard in your relationships

  • You struggle to feel your painful emotions, so you distract yourself from them with busyness, a screen or overindulging 

  • You’re your own worst critic and you long to feel genuine self-acceptance and self-compassion

Loving Leaders accomplishes two things at once:

  1. It transforms your relationships — romantic, family or otherwise — through mastering conscious communication skills, and

  2. It helps you cultivate a kinder, more loving relationship with yourself through developing genuine self-compassion

Number 2 is what most relationship therapy and coaching programs miss altogether. Because the truth is, the quality of your relationships is determined by the quality of your relationship with yourself.

Years ago, I deeply struggled to create the healthy, happy relationships that I truly yearned for. I read the relationship books. I took the communication courses. But not much improved until I finally realized the missing link:

My relationship with myself.

What I didn’t realize was…

Of course it was hard to be patient and understanding with my partner when I couldn’t offer those things to myself.

Of course it was hard to be with my loved ones’ BIG, messy emotions when I struggled to be with my own.

Now as a certified Mindset & Relationship Coach, I help you transform your relationships by transforming your relationship with yourself and by learning conscious communication skills.

This program is for you if:

  • You want to learn how to actually resolve conflict in your relationship(s), so you can experience mutual understanding without anyone having to be wrong.

  • You long for the deeper closeness and connection that comes with skillfully navigating tough conversations.

  • You want to take your relationship(s) to the next level of peace, connection, authenticity, and joy.

  • You want to develop a kinder, more loving relationship with yourself, so that you can give yourself the same empathy that you give to others and show up more authentically in your relationships.

  • You want to learn how to truly feel and express your emotions, rather than avoid them or distract yourself from them so you can feel at home within yourself.

What People Say About Working with Ivy

What’s included when I join Loving Leaders?

  • 4 months of group coaching, led by Ivy

  • 3, two-hour group coaching sessions with Ivy every month, over Zoom (12 calls total), plus access to call recordings in case you miss a live session

  • A private online community for unlimited support in between calls

  • Homework assignments, worksheets, & reading recommendations to implement your learning in between calls

  • A collection of beginner-friendly, guided meditations, videos, & other resources

  • Access to an online portal where you can find all of the above in one easy location

What We’ll Cover in Loving Leaders

Month 1


Did you know that 95% percent of your brain’s activity is unconscious? Yes, really.

Meaning, that the majority of the decisions you make, the actions you take, your emotions and behaviors, come from your subconscious.

So the reason we start with deepening self-awareness is because we can't change anything that we aren't aware of.

In this pillar we’ll focus on:

  • Building awareness around your emotions and the unmet needs behind them

  • Separating your observations (the facts of what happened) from your interpretations (all of the things your mind made it mean)

  • Starting to build the mind-body connection so you can get out of the story that comes with tough emotions, and start to truly connect with them

  • How to recognize when you’re in a stress response (i.e. Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn) and how to calm your nervous system, so you can actually communicate rather than react to a dysregulated nervous system

“Before working with Ivy, I was living a life I hated. I was attached to things and relationships that weren't serving me. Ivy has helped me to gain the courage to become my most authentic self, speak my truth, and let go of toxic relationships. Working with Ivy has opened me up to healing and to the rest of my life as I move forward with intention and authenticity.”

— Charlene, United Kingdom

Month 2


In this Pillar we start teaching you how to develop a genuinely kind, loving relationship with yourself.

This is the part I find to be missing from most relationship therapy or relationship coaching programs. Conscious communication skills are very important, AND, they're only a part of the puzzle.

Because the quality of our relationship with ourselves determines the quality of our relationships with others.

In this pillar we’ll focus on:

  • Improving your self-talk so when you're having a hard time, you can talk to yourself the same way you would talk to a best friend

  • The 6 types of self-care and how to integrate them into your daily life so you can be responsible for creating your own joy and wellbeing

  • The 5 steps to being present with tough emotions and how to feel any feeling, physically in your body

  • Connecting with and befriending your Inner Critic along with your Inner Child, so you can start finding acceptance for ALL parts of you, which naturally transforms your relationship with yourself

“Ivy’s style of coaching is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I now truly understand the power of my relationship with myself, and have so many more tools to bring about the things that I want in my life, and feel empowered while doing it. My relationship with my partner has completely transformed because I’m tending to my own needs. I’m also just a lot happier.”

— Jasmine, USA

Month 3

Holding Multiple Truths

When it comes to conflict, have you noticed how effortlessly our minds tell us someone has to be a little bit right, and someone has to be a little bit wrong?

It’s normal.

And, the reality is that when it comes to conflict, there is no objective truth. There are only two very different experiences existing simultaneously, and they both have validity, even if they seem incongruent or contradictory.

In this pillar we’ll focus on:

  • The 9 ways your mind naturally creates conflict between you and your loved ones so you can see them, avoid them, and stay on the same team

  • How to communicate vulnerably from your experience rather than from your analysis, which will help lessen defensiveness in others and actually get your needs met

  • How to deeply validate your own experience first and foremost, which will naturally open your heart to looking for the validity in theirs

  • How to translate your loved ones’ interpretations into their valid pain and yearning, so you can take the conversation out of the context of “agree/disagree” and help them feel seen and heard

Month 4

Finding Ways Forward

Once you learn how to hold multiple truths equally, it’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice.

In this pillar we’ll focus on:

  • How to invite your loved ones to open up and share their experience so moments of conflict can transform into deeper connection and intimacy

  • How to set loving, yet firm and effective boundaries in every area of your life

  • How to express and validate your experience AND their experience in the same breath so you can reach genuine mutual understanding

  • How to co-create ways forward and find solutions that honor both of your needs

“Working with Ivy made me feel so seen and heard. I was genuinely surprised by how well the coaching works. After the first few weeks, I started seeing what I learned in our sessions actually working and showing up in my day to day life: Something  happened in my romantic life and I was able to pinpoint exactly what I was going through and figure it out with the tools I had so far. That wasn’t something I was able to do before.”

— Summer, The Bahamas

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We have relationship transformation and conscious communication down to a science. The entire 4-month program is designed to help you create the foundation you need to get to your version of a 10/10 relationship with yourself and others in the next 4-12 months.

    The process we show you is easy to understand and execute. Especially when you have a mentor holding you by the hand to help you grasp, practice, and refine the skills you're learning, in addition to a community of other women supporting you.

    What I teach allows you to be flexible in your unique pace and learning style while following a blueprint that has been proven to get results. I’ve spent years of trial and error in my own relationships to eliminate the guesswork so that you can see results as quickly as possible.

    If you’re either:

    1. In a romantic relationship and wanting to deepen your connection and communication

    2. Single and want to have your next relationship go differently than previous ones

    3. Wanting to improve all types of relationships in your life (e.g. family, kids, friends, coworkers, etc.)

    And you want to develop a genuinely kind and compassionate relationship with yourself in the process … then yes, this program can work for you.

  • There are a few different payment options to meet different needs, which are all laid out in the 2-minute application form.

  • No. Loving Leaders is open to all genders!

  • Yes! The skills taught in the program can be applied to any type of relationship, and will also prepare you for a healthy romantic relationship in the future.

  • In relationships and especially in life, I’m sure you would agree that we cannot predict the future. We do not align with any coaches or leaders in the relationship space who claim to guarantee results.

    With that said, it is our main focus to help you create, nurture, and grow your dream relationships, including the one with yourself, but we can’t promise that will happen.

    The reason? It’s not because of the process; the process works. But the process only works if the individual following the process puts in the work.

    Put simply, if you bring your drive, openness to being coached, and willingness to do the homework and show up to the calls, we’re going to mentor you through everything regardless of where you're currently at.

  • Everyone’s situation will be different. Some clients start noticing big shifts after the first 2-4 weeks.

    More than anything, the speed of your results will be based on your ability to take action on the tools given to you.

  • The short answer is no.

    I've found that working deeply with one person creates deeper, more lasting change for the relationship than working with two people simultaneously.

    In my experience, there is usually one partner who is more interested in attending coaching/therapy than the other, who — despite being willing to attend the sessions — is less enthusiastic about the process.

    This slows down both people’s progress because the effectiveness of the coaching process is directly correlated with how much the individual wants to change.

    This program is designed to help you become the loving leader who guides your relationship(s) toward greater love, connection, and compassion, without the other person needing to partake in the coaching at all.

  • There are two separate groups for Loving Leaders to accommodate different people in different time zones.

    Group A will meet on Tuesdays at 6pm EST, except the first call, which will be on a Monday.

    Here’s the full list of Group A’s call dates:

    Monday, November 4 @ 6pm EST
    Tuesday, November 12 @ 6pm EST
    Tuesday November 19 @ 6pm EST

    Tuesday, December 3 @ 6pm EST
    Tuesday, December 10 @ 6pm EST
    Tuesday, December 17 @ 6pm EST

    Tuesday, January 7 @ 6pm EST
    Tuesday, January 14 @ 6pm EST
    Tuesday, January 21 @ 6pm EST

    Tuesday, February 4 @ 6pm EST
    Tuesday, February 11 @ 6pm EST
    Tuesday, February 18 @ 6pm EST

    Group B will meet on Thursdays at 10am EDT

    Here’s the full list of Group B’s call dates:

    Thursday, November 7 @ 10AM EST
    Thursday, November 14 @ 10AM EST
    Thursday, November 21 @ 10AM EST

    Thursday, December 5 @ 10AM EST
    Thursday, December 12 @ 10AM EST
    Thursday, December 19 @ 10AM EST

    Thursday, January 9 @ 10AM EST
    Thursday, January 16 @ 10AM EST
    Thursday, January 23 @ 10AM EST

    Thursday, February 6 @ 10AM EST
    Thursday, February 13 @ 10AM EST
    Thursday, February 20 @ 10AM EST

    All calls will be recorded in case you miss a live session or want to review a previous call.

    Tuesdays at 3pm PST (California time)
    Tuesdays at 4pm MST (Arizona time)
    Tuesdays at 5pm CST (Illinois time)
    Tuesdays at 6pm EST (New York time)
    Tuesdays at 11pm GMT+1 (UK time)
    Wednesdays at 12am GMT+2 (Western Europe time)
    Wednesdays at 6am GMT+8 (Western Australia time)


    Thursdays at 7am PST (California Time)
    Thursdays at 8am MDT (Arizona time)
    Thursdays at 9am CDT (Illinois time)
    Thursdays at 10am EDT (New York time)
    Thursdays at 3pm GMT+1 (UK time)
    Thursdays at 4pm GMT+2 (Western Europe time)
    Thursdays at 10pm GMT+8 (Western Australia time)

We have decided to make this program application based to ensure that people who join are truly ready to do the deep work necessary to master conscious communication skills and transform their relationships with themselves and others.

Fill out the 2-minute application below.