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“Before working with Ivy, I was living a life I hated. I was attached to things and relationships that weren't serving me. I didn't have clear goals, nor did I know what I truly wanted because I spent so long convincing myself I was supposed to continue on the path someone else set out for me. 

Ivy has helped me to gain the courage to become my most authentic self, speak my truth, and let go of toxic relationships. I used to be so intimated by the thought of greatness, but I've learned that greatness suits me. Working with Ivy has opened me up to healing and to the rest of my life as I move forward with intention and authenticity.”

— Charlene Schickler, United Kingdom

“Ivy has honestly changed my life. Before working with her, I felt stuck, unsure of what I wanted to do in my career, and uncomfortable spending time with myself. Through working with Ivy, I have realized that I want to start my own business as an ADHD coach, and officially have my business up and running.

She has helped me discover just how much I am capable of; without working with her, I never would have believed that I could accept my dreams and goals as really truly possible. I will forever be thankful that she arrived in my life at the perfect moment to kick my ass right out of my comfort zone in the kindest and gentlest way, to show me just how much joy and excitement is out there waiting for me.”

— Lizzie Frederiksen, United Kingdom


Before coaching with Ivy, I felt lost and stuck with my new business that I was trying to launch and improving my romantic relationship.

Ivy’s style of coaching is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I now truly understand the power of my relationship with myself, and have so many more tools to bring about the things that I want in my life, and feel empowered while doing it. 

I have clarity around what I offer in my business, and I started getting weekly consultations with prospective clients, consistently. My relationship with my partner has completely transformed because I’m tending to my own needs. I’m also just a lot happier. I bring joy into a lot more spaces because I’m happier.

I would recommend working with Ivy to anyone. It’s seriously worth it.

— Jasmine Gayle, USA

“Through my work with Ivy, I’ve realized my worth, my power, and I’m beginning to trust those. I am more self-aware, able to recognize my triggers, and learned how to set boundaries in my life. I am reframing old beliefs that no longer serve me or my purpose.

Ivy's attentiveness is contagious. She sees things, brings them to light, and eventually, you begin to see them yourself. Her authenticity is admirable and her consistent compassion is very much appreciated.”

— Nicole Titus, USA


“Before coaching, I had low self-esteem and a lot of negative self-talk. I struggled setting boundaries, saying no, and prioritizing my own self-care.

Joining the Self-Care Circle has helped me become more accepting, forgiving, and loving toward myself. Ivy’s coaching and facilitation was very useful, and helped me gain more confidence and self-trust, as well as showed me how to manage my mindset in a way that empowers me.”

— Valerie Pang, Singapore


“Before I started working with Ivy, I didn’t realize that I was creating stories about myself and my circumstances that were keeping me stuck and putting off my dreams, including my dream of becoming a pilot.

Joining the Self-Care Circle gave me so many new tools that will continue to help me achieve anything I want. Ivy helped me transform my perspective and gave me deep accountability, as well as a strong sense of community and support. 

To those who are on the fence about coaching — do it. Think of it as a gift to yourself. There are so many tools that will help you no matter what it is you want to transform.”

— Lina Gomez, USA