About Me


In 2017 my life looked great on paper.

I had a high-paying sales job in Midtown Manhattan (think Wolf of Wall Street and patent leather shoes).

I had a college degree and lived in a trendy Brooklyn neighborhood. 

I was in my first healthy relationship with a great guy.

And I was absolutely miserable. 

For as long as I can remember, I dreamed of a life rich in freedom, adventure, and human connection. 

So, the thought of white cubicles in tidy rows under fake fluorescent lights made me want to bolt.

And even though I had *finally* found a healthy relationship, I didn’t know how to be a healthy partner.

I didn’t know how to express my needs or emotions in a healthy, effective way. I felt easily annoyed at my partner’s smallest mistakes. Mistakes like arriving late or forgetting something I’d told him.

And, I struggled with jealousy and insecurity, unable to trust that this love was safe. 

I knew that I was destined for more. That there was a higher version of myself that I wanted to become:

The version of me who played BIG. Who went for what she wanted in her life and career, rather than what was safe and guaranteed. Who knew her worth, and showed up as a joyful, grounded, and supportive partner in her relationship.

Deep down, I knew that’s who I really was, and I was ready to do the work to become her.

In 2018, I started working with a life coach, and I quickly realized that my critical relationship with myself was the root of my problems. After learning how to master my emotions, offer myself genuine self-compassion, and let go of limiting beliefs that no longer served me, my external reality started shifting to match.


I am a Mindset & Relationship Coach certified by the International Coaching Federation and professionally trained for two years by Accomplishment Coaching, a world-renowned coach training program.

I help powerful women remember just how powerful they are, while cultivating a deep sense of self-compassion and self-trust. Together, from this new and empowered place, we start creating the lives and relationships they truly want to experience.